Sparkle Solutions التطبيقات

Health Calculator 1.0
Health Calculator provides the best way toanalyze your Health and Fitness. 11 Most Vital Health Measurementsare provided with detailed Definitions and Specifications. Supportsboth Imperial and Metric forms of Calculation. A must have HealthCare and Fitness Utility.Health Measurements:Following are the 11 Health Measurements.• Body Mass Index• Body Surface Area• Body Fat Percentage• Lean Body Mass• Basal Metabolic Rate• Calories Requirement• Ideal Body Weight• Lowest Healthy Weight• Highest Healthy Weight• Weight Loss to get healthy• Comments according to your BMIKey Features:• Professionally and Newly designed user-interface that speeds upData Entry and Easy Viewing.• Supports both Imperial and Metric form of calculations.• Units and Results will be provided according to the form ofcalculation.• Extremely Accurate Calculation.• Detailed Definitions and Specifications are provided for theterms used.• Specifications are provided both for Men and Women.• Instant Comment is provided about the present body condition,with which user can improve their level of Fitness.It is a part of your life
Star Wallet 1.0
Star Wallet is a Comprehensive InformationManagement Utility. Safely stores any type of information such asCredit Cards, Bank Accounts, ATM PINs, Emergency Contacts, Events,Appointments, Health & Insurance Info, Travel Information,Website Info, Online Passwords, Shopping Information, VehicleInformation, Passport Details, Software License etc.35 Unique Inbuilt Templates. Any number of new templates can beadded. Splendid Tracking options. Pleasant set of icons are alsoprovided. Protected by an Encrypted Master Password. Completedetails can be exported to CSV file format. A Complete InformationManagement Utility.With its extra-ordinary features, Star Wallet can be usedas• Project Manager• Sales Manager• Finance Manager• Health Tracker• Organizer• Shopping Manager• Vehicle Manager• Travel Manager• Password Manager• Home Manager• Loan Manager• Inventory Managerand many more...Categories:• Any number of Categories can be added with user's choice.• Easy User-Interface.• Simple way to Edit and Delete the Categories.• Categories are displayed in a sorted format.• Simple method to search categories.• Default cards can be selected for each category.Cards:• Any number of Information can be added within a category.• Details Notes are provided for each card.• Every information of a category can be viewed in a Single ReportPage.• Easiest way to add details from any page.• Great options for Editing and Deleting.• Cards for each Category are displayed in a sorted format.• Any type of card can be added for a category.• Easy way to search cards.Templates:• Best and Easiest way to add templates.• Design your own Templates with Customizable field names.• With this option, you can use 'Star Wallet' as a completeOrganizer Package.• Any number of new templates can be added.• Great options for Editing and Deleting.• Default Templates can be set for any category.35 Inbuilt Templates:• Bank Account• Calling Card• Clothing Size• Credit Card• Dining : Pickup/Delivery• Dining : Restaurant• Driver's License• Emergency Contacts• Event• Exercise• Frequent Flyer Account• Garage Door Opener• Generic : Account• Generic : Notes• Generic : Password• Generic : Password with history• Health : Insurance Policy• Health : Prescription• Insurance Policy• Internet Service Provider• Investment• Library Card• Loan• Lock Combination• Passport• Pet Info• Shopping : Gifts for Her• Shopping : Gifts for Him• Shopping : Product Warranty• Social Security Card• Software License• Vehicle Profile• Voice Mail Codes• Voter Registration• WebsiteMaster Password:Star Wallet is protected by an Encrypted Master Password. User canset their Master Password with Security Question and Answer. MasterPassword prevents unauthorised use of your Secure details byothers. It makes your details more secure.CSV Export:• All the details in every module can be exported to CSV fileformat.• Files can be stored under any name of user's choice.Key Features:• Professionally and Newly designed user-interface that speeds upData Entry and Easy Viewing.• Every data is stored in a sorted format.• 35 Inbuilt Templates. Add any number of new Templates.• Finest Search option for an organizer.• Encrypted Master Password option to ensure security.• Attractive CSV Export option.• Any number of Cards can be added for a particular category.Star Wallet makes you Breathe Easy
Structural Engineering Tablet 1.0
Structural Engineering Calculator contains 90Calculators and Converters, that can quickly and easily calculateand convert different Structural and Civil Engineering parameters.Automatic & Accurate Calculations and Conversions with everyUnit and Value Changes. Available in Imperial and Metric Units.*** Available in Metric and Imperial Units ***Structural Engineering Calculator contains following 58Calculators:• Shear Capacity of Flexural Members• Critical Ratio• Effective Length Factor• Slenderness Ratio• Allowable Compressive Stress of Building Columns (SlendernessRatio < Critical Ratio)• Allowable Compressive Stress of Building Columns (SlendernessRatio > Critical Ratio)• Safety Factor• Maximum Load - Axially Loaded Members• Allowable Bending Stress (Compact Members)• Allowable Bending Stress (Noncompact Members)• Moment Gradient Factor• Allowable Stress - Compression Flange• Plastic Moment• Maximum Unbraced Length for Plastic Design (I-shapedBeams)• Maximum Unbraced Length for Plastic Design (Solid RectangularBars and Symmetrical Box Beams)• Laterally Unbraced Length - Full Plastic Bending Capacity (IShapes and Channels)• Laterally Unbraced Length - Full Plastic Bending Capacity (SolidRectangular Bars and Box Beams)• Laterally Unbraced Length - Full Plastic Bending Capacity (SolidRectangular Bars bent about major axis)• Limiting Buckling Moment• Nominal Moment (Compact Beams)• Critical Elastic Moment - Compact Beams• Critical Elastic Moment - Solid Rectangular Bars and SymmetricalBox• Allowable Shear Stress• Allowable Shear Stress with Tension Field Action• Area required by the Bearing Plate (Plate Covering the FullArea of Concrete Support)• Area required by the Bearing Plate (Plate Covering less than theFull Area of Concrete Support)• Minimum Plate Thickness• Area required for a Base Plate under a Column supported by aConcrete• Plate Length• Thickness of Plate (Cantilever Bending)• Flange Thickness (H-shaped Column)• Web Thickness (H-shaped Column)• Actual Bearing Pressure under the Plate• Allowable Bearing Stress (Rollers/Rockers)• Web Depth/Thickness Ratio (Unstiffened Web)• Web Depth/Thickness Ratio (Transverse Stiffeners)• Deflection at the Top (Wall with Solid Rectangular CrossSection)• Deflection at the Top (Shear Wall with a Concentrated Load at thetop)• Deflection at the Top (Fixed Wall against rotation at thetop)• Combined Axial Compression (Ratio of Computed Axial Stress toAllowable Axial Stress > 0.15)• Combined Axial Compression (Ratio of Computed Axial Stress toAllowable Axial Stress <= 0.15)• Axial Stress for a Concentrated Load (Applied at a distancelarger than depth of the beam from the end of the beam)• Axial Stress for a Concentrated Load (Applied close to the beamend)• Concentrated Load of Reaction (Applied at a distance from thebeam end of atleast half the depth of beam)• Concentrated Load of Reaction (Applied closer than half the depthof beam)• Relative Slenderness of Web and Flange• Total Column Load (Relative Slenderness of Web and Flange <2.3)• Total Column Load (Relative Slenderness of Web and Flange <1.7)• Combined Cross-sectional Area of a pair of Column-WebStiffeners• Column-Web Depth clear of Fillets• Thickness of Column Flange• Allowable Bearing Stress on Projected Area of Fasteners• Maximum Unit Stress in Steel• Maximum Stress in the Bottom Flange• Number of Shear Connectors• Total Horizontal Shear (Based on Area of ConcreteFlange)• Total Horizontal Shear (Based on Area of Steel Beam)• Total Horizontal Shear (Based on Area of LongitudinalReinforcement)Structural Engineering Calculator also contains 32 Convertersrelated to Structural and Civil Engineering.Most Comprehensive Structural Engineering Calculator
Ohms Law Calculator 5.7
Sparkle Solutions
Best way to calculator Voltage, Current, Resistance and Power.
Column Calculator Tablet 1.0
Column Calculator contains 67 Calculators andConverters, that can quickly and easily calculate and convertdifferent Columns and Civil Engineering parameters. Automatic &Accurate Calculations and Conversions with every Unit and ValueChanges. Available in Imperial and Metric Units. Most ComprehensiveColumn Calculator.*** Available in Metric and Imperial Units ***Column Calculator contains following 35 Calculators:• Critical Buckling Load - Column Pivoted at Both Ends (Euler'sFormula)• Critical Buckling Load - One End Fixed and Other End Rounded(Euler's Formula)• Critical Buckling Load - Both Ends Fixed (Euler's Formula)• Critical Buckling Load - One End Fixed and Other End Free(Euler's Formula)• Nominal Bearing Strength of Concrete (Column Base PlateDesign)• Area of Base Plate for Factored Load• Length of Rectangular Base Plate (Wide-Flange Column)• Width of Base Plate - Parallel to the Flanges• Projection of Base Plate beyond the Flange and Parallel to theWeb (m)• Projection of Base Plate beyond the Edges of the Flange andPerpendicular to the Web (n)• Equivalent Cantilever Dimension (n')• Column Base Plate Design Value (Lambda)• Column Base Plate Design Value (X)• Thickness of Base Plate (m)• Thickness of Base Plate (n)• Thickness of Base Plate (Lambda n')• Area of the Column• Allowable Bearing Pressure on Support (Base Plate occupies FullArea of Support)• Allowable Bearing Pressure on Support (Base Plate covers lessthan Full Area of Support)• Wall Thickness of Steel Pile (Width of Face of RectangularSection)• Wall Thickness of Steel Pile (Outside Diameter of CircularSection)• Design Strength of Axially Loaded Composite Column• Design Strength of Concrete (Direct Bearing)• Effective Length Factor• Slenderness Ratio• Critical Buckling Load• Elastic Critical Buckling Load• Allowable Design Load – Aluminum Columns• Allowable Design Load – Aluminum Columns (Johnson’s Equation –Straight Line)• Allowable Design Load – Aluminum Columns (Johnson’s Equation –Squared Parabolic)• Ultimate Strength of Column - Zero Eccentricity of Load• Axial Load Capacity – Short Rectangular Members• Balanced Moment• Eccentricity – Balanced Condition• Eccentricity – Slender ColumnsColumn Calculator contains following 32 Converters:• Acceleration• Angle• Area• Density• Energy/Work• Flow Rate (Mass)• Flow Rate (Volume)• Fluid• Force• Frequency• Hardness• Length• Mass• Metric Weight• Metrology• Moment of Force• Moment of Inertia• Prefixes• Pressure• Radiation• Specific Heat Capacity• Specific Volume• Temperature• Thermal Conductivity• Thermal Expansion• Time• Torque• Velocity• Viscosity (Dynamic)• Viscosity (Oil & Water)• Viscosity (Kinematic)• VolumeKey Features:• Complete coverage of calculators and converters in Column andCivil Engineering Parameters.• Automatic Calculation & Conversion of the Output with respectto changes in the Input/Options/Units.• Formulas are provided for each calculator.• Values of Higher Order can also be calculated.• Extremely Accurate Calculations and Conversions.• Professionally and Newly designed user-interface that speeds upData Entry, Easy Viewing and Calculation Speed.Most Comprehensive Column Calculator
Piling Calculator Tablet 1.0
Piling Calculator contains 54 Calculators andConverters, that can quickly and easily calculate and convertdifferent Piling and Civil Engineering parameters. Automatic &Accurate Calculations and Conversions with every Unit and ValueChanges. Available in Imperial and Metric Units. Most ComprehensivePiling Calculator.*** Available in Metric and Imperial Units ***Piling Calculator contains following 22 Calculators:• Allowable Load (Piles driven by a Drop Hammer)• Allowable Load (Piles driven by a Steam Hammer)• Soil Modulus• Pile Length• Ultimate Tip Load• Toe Resistance Stress• Toe Resistance Stress (Piles in Sands)• Upper Limit of Group Drag Load• Allowable Design Load on Rock Socket• Net Bearing Capacity (Strip Footings)• Net Bearing Capacity (Circular Footings)• Net Bearing Capacity (Square Footings)• Net Bearing Capacity (Undrained Loading of Cohesive Soils - StripFootings)• Net Bearing Capacity (Undrained Loading of Cohesive Soils -Circular and Square Footings)• Maximum Soil Bearing Pressure (Conventional Case)• Minimum Soil Bearing Pressure (Conventional Case)• Soil Bearing Pressure (Other Cases)• Soil Bearing Pressure (Footings Subjected to Overturning)• Pile Capacity• Allowable Axial Load Capacity of Single Piles• Shaft Resistance Stress• Shaft Resistance Stress (Standards Penetration Tests)Piling Calculator contains following 32 Converters:• Acceleration• Angle• Area• Density• Energy/Work• Flow Rate (Mass)• Flow Rate (Volume)• Fluid• Force• Frequency• Hardness• Length• Mass• Metric Weight• Metrology• Moment of Force• Moment of Inertia• Prefixes• Pressure• Radiation• Specific Heat Capacity• Specific Volume• Temperature• Thermal Conductivity• Thermal Expansion• Time• Torque• Velocity• Viscosity (Dynamic)• Viscosity (Oil & Water)• Viscosity (Kinematic)• VolumeKey Features:• Complete coverage of calculators and converters in Piling andCivil Engineering Parameters.• Automatic Calculation & Conversion of the Output with respectto changes in the Input/Options/Units.• Formulas are provided for each calculator.• Values of Higher Order can also be calculated.• Extremely Accurate Calculations and Conversions.• Professionally and Newly designed user-interface that speeds upData Entry, Easy Viewing and Calculation Speed.Most Comprehensive Piling Calculator
Piling Calculator 4.0
Piling Calculator contains 54 calculators andconverters, that can quickly and easily calculate and convertdifferent pile foundation and civil engineering parameters.Automatic and accurate calculations and conversions with every unitand value changes.*** Available in Metric and Imperial Units ****** Available in English, Français, Español, Italiano, Deutsch,Português & Nederlands ***Piling Calculator contains following 22 Calculators:• Allowable Load (Piles driven by a Drop Hammer)• Allowable Load (Piles driven by a Steam Hammer)• Soil Modulus• Pile Length• Ultimate Tip Load• Toe Resistance Stress• Toe Resistance Stress (Piles in Sands)• Upper Limit of Group Drag Load• Allowable Design Load on Rock Socket• Net Bearing Capacity (Strip Footings)• Net Bearing Capacity (Circular Footings)• Net Bearing Capacity (Square Footings)• Net Bearing Capacity (Undrained Loading of Cohesive Soils - StripFootings)• Net Bearing Capacity (Undrained Loading of Cohesive Soils -Circular and Square Footings)• Maximum Soil Bearing Pressure (Conventional Case)• Minimum Soil Bearing Pressure (Conventional Case)• Soil Bearing Pressure (Other Cases)• Soil Bearing Pressure (Footings Subjected to Overturning)• Pile Capacity• Allowable Axial Load Capacity of Single Piles• Shaft Resistance Stress• Shaft Resistance Stress (Standards Penetration Tests)Piling Calculator contains following 32 Converters:• Acceleration• Angle• Area• Density• Energy/Work• Flow Rate (Mass)• Flow Rate (Volume)• Fluid• Force• Frequency• Hardness• Length• Mass• Metric Weight• Metrology• Moment of Force• Moment of Inertia• Prefixes• Pressure• Radiation• Specific Heat Capacity• Specific Volume• Temperature• Thermal Conductivity• Thermal Expansion• Time• Torque• Velocity• Viscosity (Dynamic)• Viscosity (Oil & Water)• Viscosity (Kinematic)• VolumeKey Features:• Complete coverage of calculators and converters in pilefoundation and civil engineering parameters.• Automatic calculation and conversion of the output with respectto changes in the input, options and units.• Formulas are provided for each calculator.• Extremely accurate calculations and conversions.• Professionally and newly designed user interface that speeds updata entry, easy viewing and calculation speed.Most Comprehensive Piling Calculator
Sparkle Health Manager 2.0
Sparkle Health Manager is a ComprehensiveHealth and Medical Management Software that tracks Personal, Legal,Insurance, Allergy, Illness, Hospitalization, Surgery, Medication,Vaccination, Appointment, Health Check, Blood Pressure, Glucose,Cholesterol and Weight details. Extensive tools which tracksContacts, Family Info, Physician, Physician Type,Hospital/Location, Medicine, Medication Type, Pharmacy &Vaccination Type. Contains Metric and Imperial Health Calculators.Splendid Tracking Methods with Date, Name, Type and RelationshipTracking Options. Automatic Reminder Notification, Export option,Call/SMS/E-Mail Utilities, Statistical Comparison, Specifications,Password Protection and many more. A complete Health ManagementUtility.Sparkle Health Manager tracks the following details:Personal Information:Tracks personal details with all basic health and contactdetails.Following Activities can be tracked for each personaldetail:Legal Information:Tracks legal details with will, donor, successor and resuscitationstatus.Insurance:Tracks insurance details with due date and policy information alongwith underwriter and agent contact details.Allergy:Tracks allergy details with reaction, diagnosis, treatment,physician & location details.Illness:Tracks illness details with reason, diagnosis, treatment, physician& location.Hospitalization:Tracks the hospitalization details with admission & dischargedate along with the reason, treatment, diagnosis, instructions,physician & location.Surgery:Tracks surgery details with date, instructions, physician &location.Vaccination:Tracks vaccination details with respect to date and type along withinstruction, physician & location.Appointment:Tracks appointments with respect to date & time, along with thephysician, location, reason, diagnosis & treatment.Health Check:Tracks health checks with date & time, along with physician,location & instructions.Blood Pressure:Tracks BP with date/time along with systole, diastole, pulse,events and activities.Glucose:Tracks glucose with date/time along with carbs, events &activities.Cholesterol:Tracks Cholesterol with date/time along with LDL, HDL,Triglycerides, Total Cholesterol, events & activities.Weight:Tracks weight with date/time, carbs, events & activities.Tracking Options:Activity details of a person can be tracked with respect todescription, type and period of tracking. Activities can be trackedusing 9 types of date tracking options.Statistical Comparison:Statistical comparison of Systole, Diastole, Pulse, LDL, HDL,Triglycerides, Total Cholesterol, Glucose, Weight and Carbs can bedone using the Statistics module. Statistics shows the high, lowand average value of each parameter with date and time.Tools:Extensive tools module helps to store important details inactivities. Following Details can be tracked in Tools Module:• Contacts• Family Info• Physician• Physician Type• Hospital/Location• Pharmacy• Medicine• Medicine Type• Vaccination TypeHealth Calculator:Health Calculator calculates 11 most vital health measurementswhich helps to keep perfect fitness. Both Imperial and MetricHealth Calculators are available. Specifications are provided forcalculations.Reminders:Automatic reminder notifications are provided for Date of Birth ofPerson, Contact & Family, Medicine Expiry Date, Insurance DueDate, Surgery Date, Checkup Date/Time, Appointment Date/Time,Vaccination Date and Next Medication Date/Time.Export Option:Details in Activities & Tools can be exported individually inCSV format. Personal detail along with activity details can also beexported separately.Password Protection:Sparkle Health Manager is protected by a Master Password, whichprevents unauthorized use of personal health details.Utilities:Options are available to Call Phone, Call Mobile, Send SMS/MMS,Send E-Mail according to the data saved.Best Friend for your Life
Loan Calculator Tablet 1.0
Loan Calculator is a Comprehensive FinancialUtility. Loan Calculator provides the best way to calculate EMI andother important details related to a loan. Attractive and DetailedAmortization Table. All the payments details can be trackedseparately from the Amortization Table. A must have Personalutility.Loan Calculator:Following values are calculated using the Loan Calculator:• Scheduled Payment (EMI)• Schedule Number of Payment• Actual Number of Payment• Total Early Payment• Total InterestFollowing values are provided in the Amortization Table:• Payment Number• Payment Date• Beginning Balance• Total Payment• Principal• Interest• Ending Balance• Cumulative InterestTracking Payments:• Individual payments can be tracked in a simple way.• Complete loan details can be tracked for the payment.Key Features:• Professionally and Newly designed user-interface that speeds upData Entry, Easy Viewing and Calculation Speed.• Pleasant Presentation of Amortization Table.• Values in Amortization Table are provided with respect to PaymentNumber and Payment Date.• Accurate Calculation of values.• Easy option to track a particular payment detail.A LifeTime Buddy
Calculator Mega Pack 1.1
Calculator Mega Pack is a complete collectionof essential calculators. The pack contains Unit Converter,Currency Converter, Electrical Calculator, Loan Calculator, HealthCalculator and Periodic Table. A Comprehensive Learning aid &Educational Utility.Unit Converter:Unit Converter is a conversion calculator that can quickly and easytranslate different units of measure. It consists of 62 Categorieswith 1320 Units and 54458 Conversions.• Acceleration• Angle• Area• Astronomy• Brix & Baume Degrees• Charge• Clothing (Men)• Clothing (Women)• Clothing (Ring Size)• Color• Cooking• Data Transfer• Density• Electric Current• Electric Potential• Electrical Capacitance• Electrical Conductance• Electrical Conductivity• Electrical Field Strength• Electrical Inductance• Electrical Resistance• Electrical Resistivity• Energy/Work• Flow Rate (Mass)• Flow Rate (Volume)• Fluid• Force• Frequency• Fuel Consumption• Hardness• Length• Light (Illuminance)• Light (Luminance)• Magnetic Flux• Mass• Memory (Computer)• Metric Weight• Metrology• Moment of Force• Moment of Inertia• Money Counter• Number (Roman Number)• Percentage• Permeability• Power• Prefixes• Pressure• Radiation• Sound• Specific Heat Capacity• Specific Volume• Temperature• Thermal Conductivity• Thermal Expansion• Time• Torque• Typography• Velocity• Viscosity (Dynamic)• Viscosity (Oil & Water)• Viscosity (Kinematic)• VolumeCurrency Converter:Currency Converter contains both Single and Multiple CurrencyConverter. Attractive Currency Management tool and FavoriteCurrency settings option.Electrical Calculator:Electrical Calculator contains 39 Calculators, that can quickly andeasily calculate different electrical parameters. AutomaticCalculations and Conversions with every Unit and Value Changes.• Voltage Calculator• Current Calculator• Resistance Calculator• Power Calculator• Single Phase Power Calculator• Three Phase Power Calculator• Single Phase Current Calculator• Three Phase Current Calculator• DC HorsePower Calculator• Single Phase HorsePower Calculator• Three Phase HorsePower Calculator• DC Current (HP) Calculator• Single Phase Current (HP) Calculator• Three Phase Current (HP) Calculator• Efficiency (DC) Calculator• Efficiency (Single Phase) Calculator• Efficiency (Three Phase) Calculator• Power Factor (Single Phase) Calculator• Power Factor (Three Phase) Calculator• Energy Cost Calculator• Luminous Intensity Calculator• Luminous Flux Calculator• Solid Angle Calculator• Energy Storage Calculator• Resistance• Inductance• Capacitance• Star to Delta Conversion• Delta to Star Conversion• Inductive Reactance Calculator• Capacitive Reactance Calculator• Resonant Frequency Calculator• Inductor Sizing Equation• Capacitor Sizing Equation• Resistance (Series) Calculator• Resistance (Parallel) Calculator• Inductance (Series) Calculator• Inductance (Parallel) Calculator• Capacitance (Series) Calculator• Capacitance (Parallel) CalculatorHealth Calculator:Health Calculator provides the most efficient way to analyze yourHealth and Fitness. 11 Most Vital and Accurate Health Measurementsare provided with detailed Definitions and Specifications. Supportsboth Imperial and Metric forms of Calculation. Health Measurementscan be exported to CSV file format.Loan Calculator:Loan Calculator provides the best way to calculate EMI and otherimportant details related to a loan. Attractive and DetailedAmortization Table. All the payments details can be trackedseparately from the Amortization Table. Loan details can also beexported to CSV format.Periodic Table:Periodic Table provides 20 most important Chemical informationabout each element in the Periodic Table. Elements can be trackedusing a chart. Complete details can be exported to a CSV fileformat.
Physics Constants Table 3.4
Sparkle Solutions
Essential physics constants in a table format.
My Finance Manager 1.0
My Finance Manager tracks your Bank Accounts,Credit Cards, Investments, Loans and Insurances. Also contains LoanCalculator and Stock Price Calculator. Extensive tracking optionswith Reminder settings. Details in every module can be exported toCSV file format.Options for calling phones, mobiles, sending mails and sendingsms/mms are also available. Master Password option is available tokeep the data safe & secure. A Comprehensive Finance ManagementUtility.Finance Manager:Finance Manager contains the following 7 modules:• Bank Account Manager• Credit Card Manager• Investment Manager• Loan Manager• Insurance Manager• Loan Calculator• Stock Price CalculatorBank Account Manager:Bank Account Manager tracks your bank accounts with account,branch, atm and every other essential details. Add any number ofbank account details.Track Bank Accounts with respect to description. Options forexporting complete bank account details to CSV file format.Credit Card Manager:Credit Card Manager tracks your Credit Cards with Security options,Expiry Date and all other essential details. Add any number ofcredit card details. Options for setting Payment Due Reminders.Track Credit Cards with respect to description. Options forexporting complete credit card details to CSV file format.Investment Manager:Investment Manager tracks your investments with price, symbol,market and all other essential details. Add any number ofinvestment details.Track Investments with respect to description and type ofinvestment. Options for exporting complete investment details toCSV file format.Loan Manager:Loan Manager tracks your loans with due date, assets, interestrate, term and all other essential details. Add any number of loandetails. Options for setting Loan Payment Due Reminders.Track Loans with respect to description. Options for exportingcomplete loan details to CSV file format.Insurance Manager:Insurance Manager tracks your insurance details with agent,underwriter, contact, dates and all other essential details. Addany number of insurance details. Options for setting PremiumPayment Due Reminders.Track Insurances with respect to description and type ofinsurance. Options for exporting complete insurance details to CSVfile format.Loan Calculator:Loan Calculator provides the best way to calculate EMI and otherimportant details related to a loan. Attractive and DetailedAmortization Table. All the payments details can be trackedseparately from the Amortization Table. Loan details can also beexported to CSV format.Following values are calculated using the Loan Calculator:• Scheduled Payment (EMI)• Schedule Number of Payment• Actual Number of Payment• Total Early Payment• Total InterestFollowing values are provided in the Amortization Table:• Payment Number• Payment Date• Beginning Balance• Total Payment• Principal• Interest• Ending Balance• Cumulative InterestStock Price Calculator:Figures out the Profit/Loss Amount in your Stock Market Trade.Master Password:My Finance Manager is protected by a Master Password. User can settheir Master Password with Security Questions and Answers. MasterPassword prevents unauthorized use of your Secure details byothers. It makes your details more safe and secure.Reminder Settings:Reminders can be set for the following details:• Credit Card Payment Due• Loan Payment Due• Insurance Premium DueAutomatic notification of reminders according to the remindersettings.CSV Export:• All the details in every module can be exported to CSV fileformat.• Loan Calculator details and Amortization table can also beexported to CSV format.• Files can be stored under any name of user's choice.Options & Utilities:User can make calls to contact phone, mobile, send sms/mms and sendmails to contact directly from this application using theinformation in all the modules.A Perfect Financial Assistant for You
Star Sales Manager Tablet 1.0
Star Sales Manager is a Comprehensive SalesManagement (Sales CRM) Software. Fully Loaded Sales CRM withAccounts, Contacts, Leads, Opportunities, Quotes, Orders, Products,Cases, Tasks & Appointments. Splendid Tracking Methods withDate, Name, Priority and Relationship Tracking Options. AutomaticReminder Notification, Call/SMS/E-Mail Utilities and many more. Acomplete Sales Management utility.Star Sales Manager:Star Sales Manager contains the following modules under whichvarious details related to sales can be tracked:• Account Manager• Contact Manager• Lead Manager• Opportunity Manager• Quote Manager• Order Manager• Product Manager• Case Manager• Task Manager• Calendar (Appointment/Meeting/Call Manager)• Team & Member Manager• Category & Industry ListModules:• The modules mentioned above tracks various details related tosales.• Any number of details can be added.• Options are provided for editing/deleting/viewing the detailswith respect to various modules.• Call/SMS/E-Mail Utilities are available in every module.• Various tracking methods which includes Date, Name, Priority andRelationship Tracking.• Details of all entries can be tracked and viewed in Reportformat.Account Manager:Manage Accounts with Revenue, Ownership, Employee, Contact, Billingand Shipping details.Contact Manager:Manage Contacts with Leads, Birthday, Basic contact details,Primary and Secondary address.Lead Manager:Manage Leads with Lead Source, Basic contact details, Department,Primary and Secondary address.Opportunity Manager:Manage Opportunities with Type, Source, Close Date, Probability andSales Stage.Quote Manager:Manage Quotes with Products, Shipping Charges, Stage, Validity,Tax, Billing and Shipping address.Order Manager:Manage Orders with Purchase details, Status, Support details, Tax& Price details, Manufacturer details, Billing and Shippingaddress.Product Manager:Manage Products with Quantity, Price, Manufacturer, Basic contactand Address details.Case Manager:Manage Cases with Priority, Status and Resolution details.Task Manager:Manage Tasks with Start Date, Due Date, Priority, Activity Typesand Activities.Calendar (Appointments/Meetings/Calls):Manage Appointments, Meetings and Calls.Teams & Members:Manage Teams and Member details, which are used in all themodules.Category & Industry List:Manage Category and Industry details, which are used in Productsand Accounts modules respectively.Reminder Details:Reminder options provides reminders of key dates whichinclude:• Contact - Birthday• Opportunity - Expected Close Date• Quote - Validity Date• Order - Support End Date• Task - Due Date• Appointment/Meeting/Call DateReminders are executed and notified automatically with attractiveicons and respective details.Utilities:Options are available to Call Phone, Call Mobile, Send SMS/MMS,Send E-Mail according to the data saved in each module.Key Features:• Professional User Interface.• Comprehensive Sales CRM.• Finest Tracking Options.• Automatic Reminder Notifications.• Call, SMS/MMS, Mail Utilities.Manage Your Business Professionally
Star Home Inventory 1.0
Star Home Inventory is a ComprehensiveInventory Management Software. Categories are provided to track theinventories more effectively. Star Home Inventory can hold allimportant inventory details. Inventories can be tracked withrespect to categories, month, date, week, year and customized datesettings. Extensive tools for adding Categories.Inventories can also be exported to CSV file format. SplendidReminder option with additional utilities. Simple options forediting and deleting the inventory details. A Complete Home &Business Management Utility.Star Home Inventory:• Any number of inventory details can be added.• Inventory details are added with respect to date.• All the essential details regarding inventory are covered.• Novel way of browsing options through a pop-up menu.• Every inventory detail can be viewed in a single view page.• Easiest way to add details from any page.• Simple options for editing and deleting inventories.• Options for setting reminder for Warranty date.Tracking Methods:• Inventories can be tracked with respect to categories.• Inventories can also be tracked with respect to month, week,date, year and custom date settings.• Every option that is normally performed, can be used aftertracking.• Most extensive search option for an inventory managerExport option:• All the inventory details can be exported to CSV fileformat.• Files can be stored under any name of user's choice.Categories:• Inventories can be categorized with respect to Categories.• Any number of categories can be added, deleted andmodified.• 45 Categories are provided as default.• Inventories can be tracked with respect to categories.Options & Utilities:User can make calls to dealer phone & customer care number andsend mails to customer care directly from this application usingthe inventory information.Warranty Reminder:Automatic notification of Warranty reminders according to thewarranty reminder settings.Key Features• Professionally and Newly designed user-interface that speeds upData Entry and Easy Viewing.• Inventories can be tracked with respect to categories and periodof purchase• Inventory details can be exported to CSV file format.• Extensive tools for adding Categories.• Options and Additional utilities for calling and sendmails.• Splendid Warranty Reminder notification option.• Pleasant presentation of summary.• Novel way of browsing options through pop-up menu.Makes your life Easier
Easy Periodic Table 1.0
Easy Periodic Table is an useful educationalutility. It provides 20 most important Chemical information abouteach element in the Periodic Table. Elements can be tracked using achart. Complete details can be exported to a CSV file format. AComplete Educational Utility.Following 20 Chemical Information are provided for eachelement:• Element• Symbol• Atomic Number• Atomic Weight• Bonding Radius• Atomic Radius• Ionization Potential• Electronegativity• Density• Melting Point• Boiling Point• Heat of Vaporization• Heat of Fusion• Electrical Conductivity• Thermal Conductivity• Specific Heat Capacity• Group• Electron Configuration• Number of Isotopes• PolarizabilityAll elements are categorized with respect to group.Specifications:Specifications are provided for groups, periods and state andproperties of elements.Export facility:• All the chemical information about each and every element can beexported to CSV file format.• Files can be stored under any name of user's choice.Key Features:• Dynamic Chart presentation for easy usage.• Extremely Accurate Information.• Specifications are provided to recognize the nature andcharacteristics of the element.• Professionally and Newly designed user-interface that speeds updata verifications.• Pleasant Presentation of report which carries all the 20 ChemicalInformation.Highly Useful Educational Utility
My Electrical Calc. Tablet 1.0
My Electrical Calculator contains 39Calculators, that can quickly and easily calculate differentelectrical parameters. Automatic Calculations and Conversions withevery Unit and Value Changes. A Must have utilityMy Electrical Calculator contains following 39 Calculators:• Ohms Law Calculator• Voltage Calculator• Current Calculator• Resistance Calculator• Power Calculator• Single Phase Power Calculator• Three Phase Power Calculator• Single Phase Current Calculator• Three Phase Current Calculator• DC HorsePower Calculator• Single Phase HorsePower Calculator• Three Phase HorsePower Calculator• DC Current (HP) Calculator• Single Phase Current (HP) Calculator• Three Phase Current (HP) Calculator• Efficiency (DC) Calculator• Efficiency (Single Phase) Calculator• Efficiency (Three Phase) Calculator• Power Factor (Single Phase) Calculator• Power Factor (Three Phase) Calculator• Light Calculation• Luminous Intensity Calculator• Luminous Flux Calculator• Solid Angle Calculator• Energy Cost Calculator• Energy Storage Calculator• Resistance• Inductance• Capacitance• Star to Delta Conversion• Delta to Star Conversion• Inductive Reactance Calculator• Capacitive Reactance Calculator• Resonant Frequency Calculator• Inductor Sizing Equation• Capcitor Sizing Equation• Resistance (Series) Calculator• Resistance (Parallel) Calculator• Inductance (Series) Calculator• Inductance (Parallel) Calculator• Capacitance (Series) Calculator• Capacitance (Parallel) CalculatorKey Features:• Professionally and Newly designed user-interface that speeds upData Entry, Easy Viewing and Calculation Speed.• Multiple options for Calculating each values.• Automatic Calculation of the Output with respect to changes inthe Input/Options/Units.• Multiple Units are provided for each parameters for conversionpurpose.• Formulas are provided for each calculator.• Extremely Accurate Calculators.• Values of Higher Order can also be calculated.Most Comprehensive Electrical Calculator
My Euro Converter 1.0
My Euro Converter contains both Single andMultiple Currency Converter. Conversions and Updations are based onEuro. Single Currency Converter converts values of one currency toanother selected currency. Multiple Currency Converter convertsvalues of one currency to many other currencies. AttractiveCurrency Management tool, which helps you to manage and updatecurrencies. Favorite Currency Setting option enables you to chooseyour favorite currencies for conversion. ProfessionalUser-Interface.Single Currency Converter:• Automatic calculation of currency rates according to the changein base currency, exchange currency and base value.• Extremely easy user-interface.• Base and Exchange currencies are provided with their country,currency and symbol.Multiple Currency Converter:• Automatic calculation of multiple currency rates according to thechange in base currency & base value.• Value of every other currency can be calculated and viewed in asingle page.• Search option is provided to explore the value of particularcurrencies.• Search operation is performed just by entering the a letter,word, country name etc.• Report based presentationCurrency Manager:• Currency Management tool is used to view, add, update and searchcurrencies.• Add any number of Currencies with its Country, Symbol andCurrency Rate.• Novel way of browsing the options using a Pop-up Menu.• Search option is provided to explore any currency.• Search operation is performed just by entering the a letter,word, country name etc.Favorite Currency Settings:• Favorite Currency Settings option is used to set your desiredcurrencies as favorites for single and multiple currencyconversion.• User can set any number of currencies in the list as theirfavorites.• Options available for adding all currencies as favorites.• Options available for removing every currency from favoritelist.• Default setting options are also provided.• Favorite currencies will be listed in Single and Multiplecurrency converter for conversion purpose.Key Features:• Professionally and Newly designed user-interface that speeds upData Entry and Easy Viewing.• Most Flexible Single and Multiple Currency Converters.• Add any number of Currencies with Code and Rate.• Simple options for Updating and Deleting Currencies.• Great Search options for Currency List and Multiple CurrencyConverters.• Accurate conversions and Automatic calculations according tochange in base currency, base value and exchange currency.• Splendid Favorite Currency Settings option.Most Comprehensive Euro based Currency Converter
Classical Physics Pack Tablet 1.0
Classical Physics Pack consists of 186 PhysicsCalculators and Converters.Classical Physics Pack contains following 132 Calculators:• Force• Kinetic Friction• Static Friction• Centripetal Force• Centripetal Acceleration• Gravitational Acceleration• Angular Acceleration• Work• Total Work• Power with Work• Power with Displacement• Power with Velocity• Displacement or Distance• Differential Pressure• Density• Water Density• Kinetic Energy• Potential Energy• Elastic Potential Energy• Einstein Mass Energy• Gravitational Potential• Velocity• Circular Velocity• Average Velocity• Escape Velocity• Drift Velocity• Newton's Law of Gravity• Newton's Second Law of Motion• Archimedes' Principle• Kepler's Third Law• Hooke's Law• Pascal's Law• Poiseuille's Law• Darcy's Law• Stokes Law• Souders-Brown Equation• Podmore Factor• Coulomb's Law• Mirror Equation• Cavitation Number• Euler Number• Fourier Number• Knudsen Number• Mach Number• Nusselt Number• Reynolds Number• Weber Number• Froude Number• Prandtl Number• Schmidt Number• Brinell Hardness Number• Doppler Effect - Wavelength Front• Doppler Effect - Wavelength Behind• Doppler Effect - Approaching Source• Doppler Effect - Receding Source• Doppler Effect - Approaching Receiver• Doppler Effect - Receding Receiver• Projectile Motion for Vertical Velocity• Projectile Motion for Vertical Displacement• Projectile Motion for Horizontal Displacement• Projectile Motion for Range• Impulse with Velocity• Impulse with Time• Momentum with Velocity• Momentum with Time• Moment• Torque• Moment of Inertia• Transverse Strength• Standard Surface Factor• Rectangular Tank Capacity• Cylinder Tank Capacity• Apparent Porosity• True porosity• Kinematic Viscosity• Mass Flow Rate• Seismic Geophone• Weight in Planets• Wenner Spacing - Soil Resistivity• Luminosity of Stars• Temperature• Thermal Conductivity• Thermal Diffusivity• Thermal Linear Expansion• Thermal Volumetric Expansion• Thermal Linear and Volumetric Relationship Expansion• Heat Flow• Heat Transfer Rate• Specific Heat Capacity• Sound Pressure Level• Sound Intensity Level• Sound Power Emitted• Sound Wavelength• Sound Speed• RMS Noise• Noise Pollution Level• Simple Pendulum• Physical Pendulum• Leaf Springs• Radar Range• Coincidence• Helical Spring Rate• Helical Spring Axial Deflection• Helical Spring Index• Amount of Substance• Metric Weight• Millspindle• GSM of Paper• D Exponent• Bend Allowance• Physics Constant Table• Inductive Reactance• Capacitive Reactance• Resonant Frequency• Inductor Sizing Equation• Capacitor Sizing Equation• Resistance• Battery Life• Battery Charge Time• Kva• Potentiometer• Voltage Divider• Electrodialysis• Electrical Harmonics• Horsepower• Voltage (Ohm's Law)• Power (Ohm's Law)• Resistance (Ohm's Law)• Current (Ohm's Law)• Shear Modulus• Bulk Modulus• Youngs Modulus• Stress• StrainClassical Physics Pack contains following 54 Converters:• Acceleration• Angle• Area• Astronomy• Charge• Cooking• Data Transfer• Density• Electric Current• Electric Potential• Electrical Capacitance• Electrical Conductance• Electrical Conductivity• Electrical Field Strength• Electrical Inductance• Electrical Resistance• Electrical Resistivity• Energy/Work• Flow Rate (Mass)• Flow Rate (Volume)• Fluid• Force• Frequency• Fuel Consumption• Hardness• Length• Light (Illuminance)• Light (Luminance)• Magnetic Flux• Mass• Memory (Computer)• Metric Weight• Metrology• Moment of Force• Moment of Inertia• Permeability• Power• Prefixes• Pressure• Radiation• Sound• Specific Heat Capacity• Specific Volume• Temperature• Thermal Conductivity• Thermal Expansion• Time• Torque• Typography• Velocity• Viscosity (Dynamic)• Viscosity (Oil & Water)• Viscosity (Kinematic)• Volume
My Currency Converter 1.0
My Currency Converter contains both Single andMultiple Currency Converter. Single Currency Converter convertsvalues of one currency to another selected currency. MultipleCurrency Converter converts values of one currency to many othercurrencies. Attractive Currency Management tool, which helps you tomanage and update currencies. Favorite Currency Setting optionenables you to choose your favorite currencies for conversion.Professional User-Interface.Single Currency Converters:• Automatic calculation of currency rates according to the changein base currency, exchange currency and base value.• Extremely easy user-interface.• Base and Exchange currencies are provided with their country,currency and symbol.Multiple Currency Converter:• Automatic calculation of multiple currency rates according to thechange in base currency & base value.• Value of every other currency can be calculated and viewed in asingle page.• Search option is provided to explore the value of particularcurrencies.• Search operation is performed just by entering the a letter,word, country name etc.• Report based presentation.Currency Manager:• Currency Management tool is used to view, add, update and searchcurrencies.• Add any number of Currencies with its Country, Symbol andCurrency Rate.• Novel way of browsing the options using a Pop-up Menu.• Search option is provided to explore any currency.• Search operation is performed just by entering the a letter,word, country name etc.Favorite Currency Settings:• Favorite Currency Settings option is used to set your desiredcurrencies as favorites for single and multiple currencyconversion.• User can set any number of currencies in the list as theirfavorites.• Options available for adding all currencies as favorites.• Options available for removing every currency from favoritelist.• Default setting options are also provided.• Favorite currencies will be listed in Single and Multiplecurrency converter for conversion purpose.Key Features:• Professionally and Newly designed user-interface that speeds upData Entry and Easy Viewing.• Most Flexible Single and Multiple Currency Converters.• Add any number of Currencies with Code and Rate.• Simple options for Updating and Deleting Currencies.• Great Search options for Currency List and Multiple CurrencyConverters.• Accurate conversions and Automatic calculations according tochange in base currency, base value and exchange currency.• Splendid Favorite Currency Settings option.Most Comprehensive Currency Converter
My Periodic Table 1.0
Periodic Table is an useful educationalutility. It provides 20 most important Chemical information abouteach element in the Periodic Table. Elements can be tracked withrespect to Element Name, Symbol, Atomic Number and Category.Elements can also tracked using a chart. A Complete EducationalUtility.Following 20 Chemical Informations are provided for eachelement:• Element• Symbol• Atomic Number• Atomic Weight• Bonding Radius• Atomic Radius• Ionization Potential• Electronegativity• Density• Melting Point• Boiling Point• Heat of Vaporization• Heat of Fusion• Electrical Conductivity• Thermal Conductivity• Specific Heat Capacity• Group• Electron Configuration• Number of Isotopes• PolarizabilityAll elements are categorized with respect to group.Search Elements:• Elements can be tracked with respect to Name, Symbol and AtomicNumber.• Elements can also be filtered with respect to group.• Elements can also be tracked using a chart.• Simple way to view the chemical information of elements aftertracking.Key Features:• Extremely Accurate Information.• Specifications are provided to recognize the nature andcharacteristics of the element.• Professionally and Newly designed user-interface that speeds updata verifications.• Pleasant Presentation of Report which carries all the 20 ChemicalInformation.• Elements can be tracked with respect to Name, Symbol, AtomicNumber and Group.Highly Useful Educational Utility
Health Calculator Tablet 1.0
Health Calculator provides the most efficientway to analyze your Health and Fitness. 11 Most Vital and AccurateHealth Measurements are provided with detailed Definitions andSpecifications. Supports both Imperial and Metric forms ofCalculation. A must have Health Care and Fitness Utility.Health Measurements:Following are the 11 Health Measurements.• Body Mass Index• Body Surface Area• Body Fat Percentage• Lean Body Mass• Basal Metabolic Rate• Calories Requirement• Ideal Body Weight• Lowest Healthy Weight• Highest Healthy Weight• Weight Loss to get healthy• Comments according to your BMIDefinitions & Specifications:• Detailed Definitions and Specifications are provided for all thehealth measurements.• Specifications & values are given separately for both men andwomen.• Calculation procedures are also provided for somemeasurments.• Advices and tips are provided according to the healthmeasurements.Key Features:• Professionally and Newly designed user-interface that speeds upData Entry and Easy Viewing.• Supports both Imperial and Metric form of calculations.• Units and Results will be provided according to the form ofcalculation.• Extremely Accurate Calculation.• Detailed Definitions and Specifications are provided for theterms used.• Specifications are provided both for Men and Women.• Instant Comment is provided about the present body condition,with which user can improve their level of Fitness.Keeps you Fit and Healthy
Sivagangai Trains 1.0
Sparkle Solutions
Sivagangai is a town and headquarters of theSivagangai District of Tamilnadu, known for its rich heritage inart and architecture. This app provides complete information aboutall the trains arriving and departing from Sivagangai.*** This application can be used both in English and Tamil ***• Complete Information about all the 40 trains arriving anddeparting from Sivagangai.• Every train information contains Time Table, Seat Availabilityand Fare Chart.• Option to check PNR Status.Its never been easier to track railway information forSivagangai.
Star Expense Manager 1.0
Star Expense Manager is a ComprehensiveExpenseManagement Software. Star Expense Manager stores all therequireddetails about your income and expenses. Transactions canbe trackedwith respect to accounts, categories, types, month,date, week, yearand customized date settings. Extensive tools foradding Categoriesand Accounts.Generation of reports with income, expense and totalbalance.Transactions can also be exported to CSV file format.Simpleoptions for editing and deleting the transactions. ACompleteExpense Management Utility.Star Expense Manager:• Any number of transactions can be added.• Transaction details are added with respect to date.• All the essential details regarding an expense are covered.• Novel way of browsing options through a pop-up menu.• Every transaction detail can be viewed in a singleviewpage.• Easiest way to add details from any page.• Simple options for editing and deleting transactions.• Transactions can be added for both income and expenses.Tracking Methods:• Transactions can be tracked with respect to categories,accountsand types.• Transactions can also be tracked with respect to month,week,date, year and custom date settings.• Every option that is normally performed, can be usedaftertracking.• Most extensive search option for an expense manager.Report Generation:• Reports can be generated for income, expenses andtotalbalance.• Reports are generated with respect to accounts and periodoftransaction.• Accurate calculation of Income, Expenses and Total Balance.Export option:• All the transaction details can be exported to CSVfileformat.• File Export can also be done with respect to accounts andperiodof transaction.Accounts & Categories:• Transactions can be accounted and categorized with respecttoAccounts and Categories.• Any number of accounts and categories can be added, deletedandmodified.• 4 Accounts and 54 Categories are provided as default.• Transactions can be tracked with respect to accountsandcategories.Key Features:• Professionally and Newly designed user-interface that speedsupData Entry and Easy Viewing.• Transactions can be tracked with respect to accounts,categories,types and period.• Attraction Report Generation option.• Transaction details can be exported to CSV file format.• Extensive tools for adding Accounts & Categories.• Pleasant presentation of summary.• Novel way of browsing options through pop-up menu.Best Way to Manage Your Expenses
Color Finder 4.2
Sparkle Solutions
Displays background & foreground colors with demo and hex codeusing RGB input.
My Passwords 1.1
My Passwords is a Comprehensive PasswordandSecurity Management Software. My Passwords provides the bestplaceto store your Secret details such as Passwords,PersonalIdentification Numbers, Credit Cards etc. in a securedformat.Splendid Search option based on Description and Type.Completedetails can be exported to CSV file format. Protected byEncryptedMaster Password. A Complete Security Management Utility.Categories:• Any number of Categories can be added with user's choice.• Easy User-Interface.• Simple way to Edit and Delete the Categories.• Categories are displayed in a sorted format.Passwords / Entries:• Any number of Secret Details can be added within acategory.• Detailed Notes are provided for each entry.• Every Password details of a category can be viewed in aSingleReport Page with all details.• Great options for Editing and Deleting.• Entries for each Category are displayed in a sorted format.Search Option:• Finest Searching options for a Password Protector.• Search options are provided based on Description and Type.• Search option is performed simply by entering the Descriptionandselecting the Type.Master Password:My Passwords is protected by an Encrypted Master Password. Usercanset their Master Password with Security Question and Answer.MasterPassword prevents unauthorized use of your Secure detailsbyothers. It makes your details more safe & secure.CSV Export:• Complete password details can be exported to CSVfileformat.• Files can be stored under any name of user's choice.• Details are exported in a pleasant format.Key Features:• Professionally and Newly designed user-interface that speedsupData Entry and Easy Viewing.• Every data is stored in a sorted format.• Finest Search option.• Easy to use Export option.• Encrypted Master Password to ensure security.• Protects you from forgetting your Secret details.• Adds Safety to your confidential details.• No one can view the details except you.• Novel way of browsing options through pop-up menu.My Passwords makes you feel safe
Manipur : The Jeweled Land 1.0
Sparkle Solutions
Handheld gateway to the rich cultural heritage & exoticlandscapes of Manipur.
Star Event Manager 1.0
Star Event Manager is a ComprehensiveEventManagement Utility. Star Event Manager helps you to organizeyouparties, celebrations, camps, workshops, meetings,appointments,seminars, conference etc. Stores all your events withall theessential details.Events can be tracked with respect to categories, status,month,date, week, year and customized date settings. Extensivetools foradding Categories. Events can also be exported to CSV fileformat.Splendid Event Reminder option with additional utilities.Simpleoptions for editing and deleting the event details. ACompleteEvent Management Utility.Event Manager:• Any number of Event details can be added with user'schoice.• Events are added with respect to Date and Time.• Events can also be entered with respect to CategoryandStatus.• Stores both Start Date/Time and End Date/Time of events.• Simple way to Edit and Delete the Events.• Events are displayed in a date-sorted format.• All the essential details are covered for an event.• Every event detail can be viewed in a single view page.• Options for setting event reminder dates.Tracking Events:• Events can be tracked with respect to categories andStatus.• Events can also be tracked with respect to month, week, date,yearand custom date settings.• Every option that is normally performed, can be usedaftertracking.• Most extensive search option for an event manager.Export option:• All the event details can be exported to CSV file format.• Files can be stored under any name of user's choice.Categories:• Events can be categorized with respect to Categories.• Any number of categories can be added, deleted andmodified.• 15 Categories are provided as default.• Events can be tracked with respect to categories.Event Reminder:Automatic notification of Event reminders according to theeventreminder settings.Options & Utilities:User can make calls to contact phone, mobile, send sms/mms andsendmails to contact directly from this application using theeventinformation.Key Features• Professionally and Newly designed user-interface that speedsupData Entry and Easy Viewing.• Events can be tracked with respect to categories, status andeventperiod.• Event details can be exported to CSV file format.• Extensive tools for adding Categories.• Options and Additional utilities for calling, sendingsms/mmsmails.• Splendid Event Reminder notification option.• Pleasant presentation of summary.• Novel way of browsing options through pop-up menu.Best way to Manage your Events
Sparkle Task Manager 1.0
Sparkle Solutions
Comprehensive Task Management Application with Extensive Tools& Other Options.
My DueDate Manager 1.0
My DueDate Manager provides the best placetostore your dues. Dues can be tracked with respect to Date,Week,Month, Year, Type & Customized settings.Options toidentifyPaid, Unpaid and Passed dues.Automatic Reminder notifications according to theremindersettings. Simple and Attractive options for Editing,Viewing andDeleting the dues. Due details can be exported to CSVformat.Professional User-Interface. A Complete Personal andBusinessManagement Utility.DueDate Manager:• Any number of dues can be added with user's choice.• Details are added with respect to Date and Time.• Simple way to Edit and Delete dues.• Novel way of browsing the options through a pop-up menu.• Attractive summary option to view the important details.• Details will be stored and displayed in date sorted format.Tracking Methods:• Dues can be tracked with respect to day, week, monthandyear.• Customized date setting options are also provided totrackdues.• Dues can also be tracked with respect to types.• Every option that is normally performed, can be usedaftermonth/date tracking and type tracking.• Options for identifying Paid, Unpaid and Passed dues.Export option:All the due details can be exported to CSV format usingthisoption.DueDate Reminder:Automatic notification of due date reminders according tothereminder settings.Key Features:• Professionally and Newly designed user-interface that speedsupData Entry and Easy Viewing.• Finest Tracking options based on Day, Week, Month, Year,Type& Customized Settings.• Options for identifying Paid, Unpaid and Passed dues.• Splendid Reminder notification option.• Pleasant presentation of summary.• Attractive CSV Export option.• Novel way of browsing options using a pop-up menu.A Comfort at your Hand
Timber Engineering Calculator 5.2
Sparkle Solutions
87 Calculators and Converters related to Timber and CivilEngineering.
Soil and Earthwork Calculator 5.1
Sparkle Solutions
92 Calculators and Converters related to Soil, Earthwork and CivilEngineering.
Star Sales Manager 2.0
Star Sales Manager is a ComprehensiveSalesManagement (Sales CRM) Software. Fully Loaded Sales CRMwithAccounts, Contacts, Leads, Opportunities, Quotes, Orders,Products,Cases, Tasks & Appointments. Splendid Tracking MethodswithDate, Name, Priority and Relationship Tracking Options.AutomaticReminder Notification, Export option, Call/SMS/E-MailUtilities andmany more. A complete Sales Management utility.Star Sales Manager:Star Sales Manager contains the following modules underwhichvarious details related to sales can be tracked:• Account Manager• Contact Manager• Lead Manager• Opportunity Manager• Quote Manager• Order Manager• Product Manager• Case Manager• Task Manager• Calendar (Appointment/Meeting/Call Manager)• Team & Member Manager• Category & Industry ListModules:• The modules mentioned above tracks various details relatedtosales.• Any number of details can be added.• Options are provided for editing/deleting/viewing the detailswithrespect to various modules.• Call/SMS/E-Mail Utilities are available in every module.• Various tracking methods which includes Date, Name, PriorityandRelationship Tracking.• Details of all entries can be tracked and viewed inReportformat.• Details in each and every module can be exported to apresentableCSV file.Account Manager:Manage Accounts with Revenue, Ownership, Employee, Contact,Billingand Shipping details.Contact Manager:Manage Contacts with Leads, Birthday, Basic contact details,Primaryand Secondary address.Lead Manager:Manage Leads with Lead Source, Basic contact details,Department,Primary and Secondary address.Opportunity Manager:Manage Opportunities with Type, Source, Close Date, ProbabilityandSales Stage.Quote Manager:Manage Quotes with Products, Shipping Charges, Stage, Validity,Tax,Billing and Shipping address.Order Manager:Manage Orders with Purchase details, Status, Support details,Tax& Price details, Manufacturer details, Billing andShippingaddress.Product Manager:Manage Products with Quantity, Price, Manufacturer, Basiccontactand Address details.Case Manager:Manage Cases with Priority, Status and Resolution details.Task Manager:Manage Tasks with Start Date, Due Date, Priority, Activity TypesandActivities.Calendar (Appointments/Meetings/Calls):Manage Appointments, Meetings and Calls.Teams & Members:Manage Teams and Member details, which are used in allthemodules.Category & Industry List:Manage Category and Industry details, which are used in ProductsandAccounts modules respectively.Reminder Details:Reminder options provides reminders of key dates which include:• Contact - Birthday• Opportunity - Expected Close Date• Quote - Validity Date• Order - Support End Date• Task - Due Date• Appointment/Meeting/Call DateReminders are executed and notified automatically withattractiveicons and respective details.Export Option:Details in all the modules can be exported to a presentable CSVfileformat. Details can also be exported after tracking andfilteringthrough various tracking methods.Utilities:Options are available to Call Phone, Call Mobile, Send SMS/MMS,SendE-Mail according to the data saved in each module.Master Password:Star Sales Manager is protected by a Master Password. User cansettheir Master Password with Security Questions and Answers.MasterPassword prevents unauthorized use of your Secure detailsbyothers. It makes your details more safe and secure.Key Features:• Professional User Interface.• Comprehensive Sales CRM.• Finest Tracking Options.• Automatic Reminder Notifications.• Export Option.• Password Protected.• Call, SMS/MMS, Mail Utilities.Manage Your Business Professionally
Calculator Mega Pack Tablet 1.0
Calculator Mega Pack is a complete collectionof essential calculators. The pack contains Unit Converter,Currency Converter, Electrical Calculator, Loan Calculator, HealthCalculator and Periodic Table. A Comprehensive Learning aid &Educational Utility.Unit Converter:Unit Converter is a conversion calculator that can quickly and easytranslate different units of measure. It consists of 62 Categorieswith 1320 Units and 54458 Conversions.• Acceleration• Angle• Area• Astronomy• Brix & Baume Degrees• Charge• Clothing (Men)• Clothing (Women)• Clothing (Ring Size)• Color• Cooking• Data Transfer• Density• Electric Current• Electric Potential• Electrical Capacitance• Electrical Conductance• Electrical Conductivity• Electrical Field Strength• Electrical Inductance• Electrical Resistance• Electrical Resistivity• Energy/Work• Flow Rate (Mass)• Flow Rate (Volume)• Fluid• Force• Frequency• Fuel Consumption• Hardness• Length• Light (Illuminance)• Light (Luminance)• Magnetic Flux• Mass• Memory (Computer)• Metric Weight• Metrology• Moment of Force• Moment of Inertia• Money Counter• Number (Roman Number)• Percentage• Permeability• Power• Prefixes• Pressure• Radiation• Sound• Specific Heat Capacity• Specific Volume• Temperature• Thermal Conductivity• Thermal Expansion• Time• Torque• Typography• Velocity• Viscosity (Dynamic)• Viscosity (Oil & Water)• Viscosity (Kinematic)• VolumeCurrency Converter:Currency Converter contains both Single and Multiple CurrencyConverter. Attractive Currency Management tool and FavoriteCurrency settings option.Electrical Calculator:Electrical Calculator contains 39 Calculators, that can quickly andeasily calculate different electrical parameters. AutomaticCalculations and Conversions with every Unit and Value Changes.• Voltage Calculator• Current Calculator• Resistance Calculator• Power Calculator• Single Phase Power Calculator• Three Phase Power Calculator• Single Phase Current Calculator• Three Phase Current Calculator• DC HorsePower Calculator• Single Phase HorsePower Calculator• Three Phase HorsePower Calculator• DC Current (HP) Calculator• Single Phase Current (HP) Calculator• Three Phase Current (HP) Calculator• Efficiency (DC) Calculator• Efficiency (Single Phase) Calculator• Efficiency (Three Phase) Calculator• Power Factor (Single Phase) Calculator• Power Factor (Three Phase) Calculator• Energy Cost Calculator• Luminous Intensity Calculator• Luminous Flux Calculator• Solid Angle Calculator• Energy Storage Calculator• Resistance• Inductance• Capacitance• Star to Delta Conversion• Delta to Star Conversion• Inductive Reactance Calculator• Capacitive Reactance Calculator• Resonant Frequency Calculator• Inductor Sizing Equation• Capacitor Sizing Equation• Resistance (Series) Calculator• Resistance (Parallel) Calculator• Inductance (Series) Calculator• Inductance (Parallel) Calculator• Capacitance (Series) Calculator• Capacitance (Parallel) CalculatorHealth Calculator:Health Calculator provides the most efficient way to analyze yourHealth and Fitness. 11 Most Vital and Accurate Health Measurementsare provided with detailed Definitions and Specifications. Supportsboth Imperial and Metric forms of Calculation.Loan Calculator:Loan Calculator provides the best way to calculate EMI and otherimportant details related to a loan. Attractive and DetailedAmortization Table. All the payments details can be trackedseparately from the Amortization Table.Periodic Table:Periodic Table provides 20 most important Chemical informationabout each element in the Periodic Table. Elements can be trackedusing a chart.
Electrical Converter Tablet 1.0
Electrical Converter is a conversioncalculatorthat can quickly and easy translate different electricalunits ofmeasure. It consists of 16 Categories with 173 Units and2162Conversions.List of Electrical Converters:• Field Strength• Electric Potential• Resistance• Resistivity• Conductance• Conductivity• Capacitance• Inductance• Charge• Linear Charge Density• Surface Charge Density• Volume Charge Density• Current• Linear Current Density• Surface Current Density• PowerKey Features:• Automatic calculation of values based on input.• Automatic Calculation of values based on units.• Exponential values and values of higher order can alsobeconverted.• Professionally and Newly designed user-interface that speedsupdata entry and conversion speed.• Easy and Very Simple to Use.Most Comprehensive Electrical Converter for Android
My Appointment Manager 1.0
Sparkle Solutions
Comprehensive Appointment, Meeting and Calls ManagementApplication.
Acoustics Engineering Pack 5.1
Sparkle Solutions
94 Calculators and References related to Acoustic Engineering.
Fluid Mechanics Pack Tablet 1.0
Fluid Mechanics Pack contains 97Calculatorsand 29 Converters, that can quickly and easily calculateandconvert different Fluid Mechanics, Civil, Structural, Pipe FlowandEngineering parameters. Automatic & Accurate CalculationsandConversions with every Unit and Value Changes.Fluid Mechanics Pack contains following 97 Calculators:• Absolute Pressure• Brake Horsepower• Bernoulli Theorem for Head Loss• Bulk Modulus• Buoyant Force• Chezy Coefficient• Chezy Velocity• Compressibility• External Hydrostatic Pressure• Flow Rate• Fluid Density with Pressure• Fluid Pressure• Hydraulic Radius• Kinematic Viscosity• Liquid Phase Diffusion Coefficient• Pump Efficiency• Manning Flow Velocity• Mean Depth• Minor Losses• Net Positive Suction Head and Cavitation• Specific Gas Constant• Specific Gravity with Water Weight• Specific Gravity with Water Weight Loss• Specific Volume• Thrust Block• Water Horsepower• Acoustic Flow Meter• Bazin's Weir Flow• Broad Crested Weir• Curb Capture Flow Rate• Curb Gutter Flow Rate• French Drain Seepage Rate• Gutter Capture Efficiency• Gutter Carryover• Gutter Interception Capacity• Rectangular Weir• Rectangular Weir Discharge - Francis Equation• Orifice Flow Rate• Parshall Flume Flow Rate• Permeameter Porous Medium Flow Rate• Unconfined Aquifer Well Flow Rate• V notch Weir• Venturi Meter for Flow Rate• Hazen Williams - Fluid Flow Rate• Hazen Williams - Mean Fluid Velocity• Aluminum Pipe - Pressure Rating• Buried Corrugated Metal Pipe Thrust - Cross Sectional Area• Buried Corrugated Metal Pipe Thrust - Pipe Wall• Buried Corrugated Metal Pipe Thrust - Pressure• Ductile Iron Pipe - Pressure• Ductile Iron Pipe - Wall Thickness• Pipe Vacuum Pressure Load• Pipe Water Buoyancy Factor• Plastic Pipe - AWWA C900 Pressure Class• Plastic Pipe - Inside Diameter Controlled• Plastic Pipe - Outside Diameter Controlled• Plastic Pipe - Outside Diameter Controlled ShortTermStrength• Plastic Pipe - Short Term Pressure Rating• Slotted Pipe Gutter Interception• Smooth Wall Steel Pipe - Pressure Rating• Soil Load Per Linear Length of Pipe• Restrained Anchored Pipe Stress• Pipe Soil Weight Pressure• Unrestrained Pipe Length Change• Poiseuille's Law• Stokes Law• Cauchy Number• Cavitation Number• Eckert Number• Euler Number• Fourier Number• Froude Number• Knudsen Number• Lewis Number• Mach Number• Prandtl Number• Reynolds Number• Schmidt Number• Sherwood Number• Nusselt Number• Peclet Number• Strouhal Number• Threshold Odor Number• Weber Number• Darcy Weisbach - Head Loss• Darcy's Law - Flow Rate• Darcy's Law - Flux• Darcy's Law - Hydraulic Gradient• Darcy's Law - Porosity• Darcy's Law - Saturated Soil• Darcy's Law - Seepage Velocity• Darcy's Law - Seepage Velocity and Porosity• Darcy's Law - Void Ratio• Water Hammer - Maximum Surge Pressure for a Fluid• Water Hammer - Maximum Surge Pressure for Water• Water Hammer - Maximum Surge Pressure Head• Water Hammer - Pressure IncreaseFluid Mechanics Pack contains following 29 Converters:• Acceleration Converter• Angle Converter• Area Converter• Density Converter• Energy/Work Converter• Flow Rate (Mass) Converter• Flow Rate (Volume) Converter• Fluid Converter• Force Converter• Frequency Converter• Length Converter• Mass Converter• Metric Weight Converter• Moment of Force Converter• Moment of Inertia Converter• Prefixes Converter• Pressure Converter• Specific Heat Capacity Converter• Specific Volume Converter• Temperature Converter• Thermal Conductivity Converter• Thermal Expansion Converter• Time Converter• Torque Converter• Velocity Converter• Viscosity (Dynamic) Converter• Viscosity (Oil & Water) Converter• Viscosity (Kinematic) Converter• Volume ConverterA Complete Fluid Mechanics, Civil, StructuralEngineeringGuide
Stock Price Calculator 4.2
Sparkle Solutions
Stock Price Calculator figures out the profit/loss and return oninvestment in your stock market trade. Key Features: Calculatedvalues and results can be shared to social media, mail, messagesand other sharing apps. Result format according to languagepreferences. Extremely accurate calculation. Professional userinterface. Pleasant presentation of results. Available in English,Français, Español, Italiano, Deutsch, Português & Nederlands.Your stock market buddy
My Employees 1.0
My Employees provides the best place tostoreyour Employee Details which includes Basic, Personal,Contact,Project, Work, Salary & Department details. ExtremelyFlexibleSearch options. Extensive tools for adding Departments.EmployeeDetails can be exported to CSV file format. Calling,mailing andmessaging options are available. A ComprehensiveBusiness andManagement utility.Employee Profile:Following Details are provided for each employee.• Basic Details• Personal Details• Educational/Qualification/Skill Details• Contact DetailsProject/Work/Assignment Details• Past Projects/Works/Assignments• Current Projects/Works/AssignmentsSalary Details• Income• Deductions• Net Pay• Any number of Employee details can be added withuser'schoice.• Employee details can be categorized with Departments.• Simple way to Edit and Delete the Employee details.• Employee details are displayed in a sorted format.• All the essential details are covered for an employee.• Every employee detail can be viewed in a single view page.• Employee details can be tracked with respect to DepartmentsandEmployee names.Past & Current - Projects/Works/Assignments:This option helps to enter the Past andCurrentProjects/Works/Assignments of an Employee.Following Details can be saved.• Project/Assignment/Work Name• Client• Role of the Employee• Duration• Team Size• Environment• Detailed Description of the Project.Pleasant display of Past/Current Projects in a ReportFormat,with which Edition and Deletion can be done.Search Option:• Search option can be performed simply by enteringtheWord/Name/Starting Letter of the project.• Project details can also be searched with respect to thestatus,i.e., Past and Current Projects• Every option that can be performed normally can be done aftertheSearch Operation.Salary Details:Both Income and Deductions along with Net Pay of an Employee canbestored.Following Details can be saved.• Basic Pay• Dearness Allowance• House Rent Allowance• City Compensatory Allowance• Special Allowances• Other Income• Income Tax• Provident Fund• Loans• Other Deductions• Net Pay• DescriptionAutomatic Calculation of Net Pay using Income&Deductions.Departments:• Employees can be categorized with respect to Departments.• Any number of departments can be added, deletedandmodified.• 32 Departments are provided as default.• Employees can be tracked with respect to departments.Export option:• All the employee details can be exported to CSV fileformat.• Files can be stored under any name of user's choice.• Employee details can also be exported with respecttoDepartments.Options & Utilities:User can make calls to employee phone, send sms/mms and sendmailsto employees directly from this application using theemployeeinformation.Key Features:• Professionally and Newly designed user-interface that speedsupData Entry and Easy Viewing.• Extremely Flexible Search which enables to browse theemployeeseasily.• Projects can be tracked both by name/letter and status oftheproject.• Employee details can be exported to CSV file format.• Extensive tools for adding Departments.• Options and Additional utilities for calling, sendingsms/mmsmails.• Novel way of browsing options through pop-up menu.A Complete Business & Management Utility
Beam Calculator 5.1
Sparkle Solutions
66 calculators and converters related to Beam and CivilEngineering.
Beam Calculator Tablet 1.0
Beam Calculator contains 66 CalculatorsandConverters, that can quickly and easily calculate andconvertdifferent Beams and Civil Engineering parameters. Automatic&Accurate Calculations and Conversions with every Unit andValueChanges. Available in Imperial and Metric Units. MostComprehensiveBeam Calculator.*** Available in Metric and Imperial Units ***Beam Calculator contains following 34 Calculators:• Critical Bending Moment (Rectangular Cross Section)• Critical Bending Moment (Open Cross Section)• Critical Bending Moment (Nonuniform Bending MomentGradient)• Moment Gradient Factor• Maximum Stress (Axial and Bending Loads)• Maximum Stress (Deflection due to Bending is Large)• Deflection (Axial Compression and Bending)• Critical Buckling Load• Stress (Unsymmetrical Bending)• Total Unit Stress (Eccentric Loading)• Deflection (Eccentric Loading)• Stress (Eccentric Loading)• Trial Design Area of Steel• Area of Compression• Depth of Compression Area• Distance from Centroid to Extreme Compressive Fiber• Nominal Moment Capacity• Adjusted Steel Area• Balanced Steel Reinforcement Ratio• Minimum Steel Reinforcement Ratio• Maximum Steel Reinforcement Ratio• Required Beam Dimensions• Concrete Shear Strength• Steel Shear Strength• Maximum Allowable Steel Shear• Maximum Allowable Total Shear• Horizontal Shear Steel Area• Angled Shear Steel Area• Vertical Stirrup Spacing• Angled Stirrup Spacing• Vertical Stirrup Shear Strength• Angled Stirrup Shear Strength• Stirrup Embedment Length• Maximum Tension Steel SpacingBeam Calculator contains following 32 Converters:• Acceleration• Angle• Area• Density• Energy/Work• Flow Rate (Mass)• Flow Rate (Volume)• Fluid• Force• Frequency• Hardness• Length• Mass• Metric Weight• Metrology• Moment of Force• Moment of Inertia• Prefixes• Pressure• Radiation• Specific Heat Capacity• Specific Volume• Temperature• Thermal Conductivity• Thermal Expansion• Time• Torque• Velocity• Viscosity (Dynamic)• Viscosity (Oil & Water)• Viscosity (Kinematic)• VolumeKey Features:• Complete coverage of calculators and converters in Beam andCivilEngineering Parameters.• Automatic Calculation & Conversion of the Output withrespectto changes in the Input/Options/Units.• Formulas are provided for each calculator.• Values of Higher Order can also be calculated.• Extremely Accurate Calculations and Conversions.• Professionally and Newly designed user-interface that speedsupData Entry, Easy Viewing and Calculation Speed.Most Comprehensive Beam Calculator
Energy Cost Calculator 5.3
Sparkle Solutions
Calculates the cost of energy per day, week, month and year basedon usage.
Hydraulics Calculator
Sparkle Solutions
126 Calculators and Converters related to Hydraulics and CivilEngineering.
Ohms Law Calculator Tablet 1.0
Sparkle Solutions
Ohms Law Calculator provides the best waytocalculate Voltage, Current, Resistance and Power.AccurateCalculations and Conversions with every Unit and ValueChange.Formulas and Definitions are provided with all calculators.Ohms Law Calculator includes 4 following modules.• Voltage Calculator• Current Calculator• Resistance Calculator• Power CalculatorVoltage Calculator:Calculates Voltage with respect to• Current• Power / ResistanceCurrent Calculator:Calculates Current with respect to• Voltage• Power / ResistanceResistance Calculator:Calculates Resistance with respect to• Voltage• Current / PowerPower Calculator:Calculates Power with respect to• Voltage• Resistance / CurrentKey Features:• Professionally and Newly designed user-interface that speedsupData Entry, Easy Viewing and Calculation Speed.• Split View option enables the user to perform all the functionsina single page.• Multiple options for Calculating each values.• Accurate Calculation of the Output with respect to changes intheInput/Options/Units.• Values of higher order can also be calculated.• Formulas and Definitions are provided with all calculators.
Bridge Engineering Calculator 5.2
Sparkle Solutions
90 calculators and converters related to Bridge and CivilEngineering.
My Meetings 1.1
My Meetings provides the best place tostoreyour Meeting, Appointment and Call details, whichincludesAttendees & Decision Making details etc. Details can betrackedwith respect to Date, Week, Month, Year, Type &Customizedsettings. Simple and Attractive options for Editing,Viewing andDeleting the data. Meeting details can be exported toCSV format.Professional User-Interface. A Complete Personal andBusinessManagement Utility.Meeting / Appointment / Call:Following Details are provided for each Meeting / Appointment/Call.• Description• Date and Time• Type (Appointment / Meeting / Call)• Venue• Who Presided the Meeting?• Discussion Details• Attendees• Decisions Made• Any number of details can be added with user's choice.• Details are added with respect to Date and Time.• Simple way to Edit and Delete the details.• Novel way of browsing the options through a pop-up menu.• Attractive summary option to view the important details.• Details will be stored and displayed in date sorted format.Tracking Methods:• Details can be tracked with respect to day, week, monthandyear.• Customized date setting options are also provided totrackdetails.• Details can also be tracked with respect to types.• Every option that is normally performed, can be usedaftermonth/date tracking and type tracking.Export option:All the meeting details can be exported to CSV format usingthisoption.Key Features:• Professionally and Newly designed user-interface that speedsupData Entry and Easy Viewing.• Finest Tracking options based on Day, Week, Month, Year,Type& Customized Settings.• Every Details of a Meeting is covered.• Pleasant presentation of summary.• Attractive CSV Export option.• Novel way of browsing options using a pop-up menu.A Comfort at your Hand
Concrete Calculator Tablet 1.0
Concrete Calculator contains 88 CalculatorsandConverters, that can quickly and easily calculate andconvertdifferent Concrete and Civil Engineering parameters.Automatic& Accurate Calculations and Conversions with everyUnit andValue Changes. Available in Imperial and Metric Units.MostComprehensive Concrete Calculator.*** Available in Metric and Imperial Units ***Universal Concrete Calculator contains following56Calculators:• Water/Cementitious Materials Ratio• Job Mix Concrete Volume• Modulus of Elasticity• Tensile Strength• Compressive Stress - Beam• Stress in Reinforcement - Beam• Cross-sectional Area of Tensile Reinforcing - Beam• Cross-sectional Area of Compressive Reinforcing - Beam• Stress - Extreme Fiber of Concrete• Stress - Compressive Reinforcing Steel• Stress - Tensile Reinforcing Steel• Shear and Diagonal Tension• Cross-sectional Area - Stirrup• Bond Stress on surface of bar - Beam• Total Allowable Axial Load - Column• Spiral Reinforcing (Ratio of Spiral Volume toConcrete-coreVolume)• Long-Column Load Reduction Factor (Fixed Ends)• Maximum Permissible Eccentricity (Spiral Columns)• Maximum Permissible Eccentricity (Tied Columns)• Bending Load (Spiral Columns)• Bending Load (Tied Columns)• Moment at Balanced Condition• Compressive Strength of Concrete (S28) (W.A.Slater)• Tensile Strength (Higher Strength Concretes)• Tensile Strength (Lower Strength Concretes)• Tension Development Length (No.11 and Smaller bars)• Tension Development Length (No.14)• Tension Development Length (No.18)• Tension Development Length (Deformed Wire)• Compression Development Length• Crack Widths (Crack Control Limit)• Ultimate Strength (Without Wind and Earthquake Load)• Ultimate Strength (With Wind Load)• Ultimate Strength (With Earthquake Load)• Effective Moment of Inertia• Cracking Moment• Distance from Extreme Compression (Rectangular Beam)• Steel Ratio• Bending Moment Capacity - Underreinforced Beam• Ultimate Shear Capacity - Beam• Development Length (Hooked Bar)• Nominal Unit Shear Stress• Distance from Extreme Compression (I and T Beams)• Development Length (Tensile Reinforcement)• Modular Ratio• Bending Moment Capacity - Rectangular Beam• Total Compression - Beam Cross Section• Slab Thickness• Flexural Stiffness Ratio of Beam Section and Width of Slab• Volume of Spiral Steel and Concrete Core Ratio• Shear Friction Reinforcement Area• Coefficient of Sliding Friction• Vertical Shear Reinforcement/Gross Concrete Area RatioofWall• Total End Shear (Counterfort)• Axial Capacity of Wall• Nominal Shear Stress on WallUniversal Concrete Calculator contains following32Converters:• Acceleration• Angle• Area• Density• Energy/Work• Flow Rate (Mass)• Flow Rate (Volume)• Fluid• Force• Frequency• Hardness• Length• Mass• Metric Weight• Metrology• Moment of Force• Moment of Inertia• Prefixes• Pressure• Radiation• Specific Heat Capacity• Specific Volume• Temperature• Thermal Conductivity• Thermal Expansion• Time• Torque• Velocity• Viscosity (Dynamic)• Viscosity (Oil & Water)• Viscosity (Kinematic)• VolumeKey Features:• Complete coverage of calculators and converters inCivilEngineering and Concrete Parameters.• Automatic Calculation & Conversion of the Output withrespectto changes in the Input/Options/Units.• Formulas are provided for each calculator.• Values of Higher Order can also be calculated.• Extremely Accurate Calculations and Conversions.• Professionally and Newly designed user-interface that speedsupData Entry, Easy Viewing and Calculation Speed.Most Comprehensive Concrete Calculator
Mannargudi Trains 3.2
Sparkle Solutions
Complete information about all the trains arriving & departingfrom Mannargudi.
Electrical Series/Parallel Pro 4.4
Sparkle Solutions
Resistance, Inductance & Capacitance Calculators (Series &Parallel).
Highway and Road Calculator 5.1
Sparkle Solutions
68 Calculators and Converters related to Highway and CivilEngineering.